Seychelle Media has partnered with the biggest names in Big Data to deliver our clients high-quality, targeted leads.
Want to reach people with a specific FICO score? Or American Express Gold credit card users who’ve booked travel to the Dominican Republic in the past 90 days? Or who eat Vlasic pickles? Or better yet, who’ve recently purchased Vlasic pickles from Safeway? We’ve got you covered.
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Seychelle Media’s Facebook Business Manager has been whitelisted for the import of 3rd-party data segments, allowing us the ability to upload Big Data strands directly into our client’s Ad Accounts.
Big Data works in the background to tie together online and offline transactional spending data, behavioral data, mortgage data, cable TV data, change of address data and more to create Digital Personas on consumers. According to their 2016 Annual Report, Acxiom, for example, possesses more than 3,000 data points per person in the United States. These data companies have made this data available to the Facebook Advertising platform to enable select Agencies like Seychelle Media, through our Agency’s aggregated spend on behalf of our clients, the ability to display highly relevant ads to the appropriate audiences through Custom Facebook Targeting.
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Digital Avatars
Direct access to Big Data has transformed the way we architect audience strategies for clients.

Baseline Targeting
We start by learning about your baseline targeting requirements, such as age, income ranges or creditworthy indicators, and then discover affinities, in-market propensities, transactional activities and behavioral data that would apply to your segmentations.
Get a QuoteLeverage Segments
Then, we release these segments to your whitelisted Ad Account and leverage these segments in your Facebook & Instagram campaigns.
Get a QuoteCustom Audiences
We’re obsessed with creating custom audiences for our clients, which are no longer accessible in the native Facebook Ads Manager platform, with the removal of Partner Categories as of October of 2018.
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Conquest Campaigns
Want to crush the competition by introducing your product to their loyal customers?
We ❤️ conquest campaigns! Show your industry who’s boss by telling us your top 5 competitors. We’ll work with our partners at AMEX, Visa/Mastercard and more to develop a custom Conquest audience based on transactional data that will put you in front of these credit card superusers to make you look better and badder than the brand they’ve been loyal to for years. Look at that - your digital footprint just got deeper - and your online presence stronger than ever.
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Privacy-Compliant &
Trusted Data
Our Data Partners are active members of trade associations in the countries where they conduct business and comply with all self-regulatory guidelines and local laws.
Seychelle Media, on behalf of our clients, requires that consumers are informed about how information is used through a clear privacy policy and easy opt-out choices.
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